Pro-8a 2400Ws Air

  • Wireless control and triggering
  • Recycling almost twice as fast as Pro-7
  • Ultra short flash duration
  • 10 f-stop power range in 1/10 or full f-stops

Rental price: 100€

Pro-B3 1200Ws AirS

Fastest battery generator on the market

Rental price: 90€

Pro-B3 Battery


Rental price: 30€



Rental price: 20€

AirSync Kit

Rental price: 30€

PocketWizard Set

Rental price: 25€

Pro Head incl. Zoom Reflector & normal stand

Heavy-duty tool for the studio or location

Rental price: 25€

Pro Ringflash


Rental price: 40€

WideSoft Reflector for ProRing

Rental price: 10€

Head Extension - 5M

5m Extension for Pro Head

Rental price: 10€

Magnum Reflector

Direct light with high output and defined shadows

Rental price: 15€

Honeycomb / Magnum reflector

Grid Honeycomb 10 for Magnum

Rental price: 10€

Wide Zoom

Very even illumination with a fast fall off

Rental price: 15€

Pro Globe

Rental price: 20€

Narrow Beam Travel

Direct light with center hot spot and extreme shadows

Rental price: 15€

Beauty Dish White

The Beauty Dish gives a soft, yet directional light.

Rental price: 20€

Grid Kit (5, 10, 20) for Zoom Reflector

Rental price: 10€

Honeycomb Grid for Beauty Dish

Rental price: 10€

Umbrella White / Silver / Tranclucent

Rental price: 10€

Softbox (90x120) Medium

Internal silver coating with removable inner and front diffuser and steel rods

Rental price: 40€

Softbox (60x90) Small

Internal silver coating with removable inner and front diffuser and steel rods

Rental price: 30€

Softbox (30x180) Large Stip with grid

Internal silver coating with removable inner and front diffuser and steel rods

Rental price: 50€

Softbox Octa 5 foot

Internal silver coating with removable inner and front diffuser and steel rods

Rental price: 50€

5" Giant Reflector

Really big reflectors for really glamorous shoots

Rental price: 75€

7" Giant Reflector

Really big reflectors for really glamorous shoots

Rental price: 75€

KinoFlo 4 Bank 4" Incl. C-Stand

An extremely versatile and efficient continuous lighting system for both film and photography

Rental price: 50€